Developing Your Own Coaching Philosophy
One of the most difficult careers you can choose is coaching, but it is also incredibly rewarding. You must craft a coaching philosophy to succeed.
A good philosophy of coaching is focused on clear-cut standards that guide the programme. Not only can these norms determine who you are, but what you believe in. When all activities are guided by a steady and uniform concept, an effective coaching philosophy leads to more effective outcomes in your programme. In a nutshell, your theory of coaching includes your view of the world and how to influence your coaching programme by incorporating those views and experiences.
Your coaching philosophy is key to your coaching career and defines what kind of a trainer you can become. In practise and competitive environments, the coaching style you select is integral to how you define your career and how your team works. The coaching philosophy is the backbone of your programme; it not only directs you and your workers, but it also sets the stage for your team’s individuals. This helps them to take responsibility for their own decisions and choices, and it allows them to satisfy the expectations that influence them as individuals and as a whole team.