Empowering Women Through Coaching

Christian Monk
1 min readOct 16, 2021

We are living in 2020, the era of massive transformation. Then why not do what we have been saying for decades-Empower Women.

Among conventional societies, women were expected to be dependent on her father, then her husband and later on her son. And, it still prevails among some social groups.

Today’s women are strong, they are self-sufficient. They have a choice, a voice of their own.

Yet, the glass ceiling is persistent, the gender pay gap remains and women have to pay pink taxes.

6% of companies on the Fortune India 500 list are managed by women.

According to the World Economic Forum, it would take 108 years to overcome the gender gap and 202 years to bring parity in the workplace!

Besides gender parity, today’s women need to centre their spirits to:

  1. Believe in themselves
  2. Recognise their strengths
  3. Own their success

A women empowerment coach can help!

