The True Essence of Awareness

Christian Monk
1 min readJul 6, 2022


Am I Aware?

Close your eyes, take a pause, relax and think, are you aware?

The experience of being aware is commonly referred to as ‘I’. I am aware of my thoughts. I recall my childhood memories. I am aware of feelings of sadness, loneliness, at peace, in love, anxiety, boredom, jealousy, or happiness. I am aware of my house’s image. I am aware of feelings of pain or hunger. I am aware of my room’s appearance and the sound of rain.

‘I’ is the name we give to that who knows or is aware of all knowledge and experience in each of these examples. As such, in all knowledge and experience, ‘I’ is the knowing or aware element. ‘I’ is consciousness itself.

So, I ask you again are you aware?

We are aware of what we are thinking, feeling, seeing, and doing. We are aware of whatever is known or experienced, regardless of the contents of our knowledge or experience. As a result, knowing or being aware is a constant element in all changing knowledge and experience.

